We offer 30 min.-$60 and 60 min.-$125
Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body, as in “laying on of hands.” Reiki can also be done “long-distance,” as a form of prayer.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner is seeking to transmit Universal Life Energy to the client. The intention is to create deep relaxation, to help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing.
Pure essential oils, acupressure to shoulders, neck and head to open up the crown chakra. Energy Reiki Chakra balancing and singing bowl sound bath.
Tune up with Singing Bowls on your belly. These sessions can help restore balance, clear stagnant energy, & realign energy centers.
“Reason this: When you think from your past memories, you can only create past experiences. As all of the “knowns” in your life cause your brain to think and feel in familiar ways, thus creating knowable outcomes, you continually reaffirm your life as you know it. And since your brain is equal to your environment, then each morning, your senses plug you into the same reality and initiate the same stream of consciousness.” ― Joe Dispenza
Gotta try this My BodYoga SigNature holistic treatment that offers a refreshing approach to alignment & harmony for body & soul.
Pranayama and Guided Imagery Meditation to calm the busy mind. Reflexology to clear congested meridian pathways to raise your vibration and encourage hOMestasis in the body's physiological systems. CranioSacral, Reiki , essential oils, therapeutic massage with acupressure using specific crystals and gemstones to wake up your energetic system to balance your CHAKRAS. These oils and crystals hold a MHZ that will encourage emotional balancing while raising the frequency in your organs and glands.
A holistic and noninvasive osteopathic manipulation technique developed by the late Dr. John Upledger, an osteopathic physician. Beginning the session at the stillpoint, the base of the cranium. Helpful to treat physical trauma, chronic pain, headaches, and numerous other medical issues and physiological symptoms. It has been used effectively in the treatment of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and several other mental health disorders.
"Healing of the physical without the change in the mental and spiritual aspects brings little real help to the individual in the end. How true, because the mind and the body imprint and imitate each other. What we think, we become. What we become, we think. It's an insidious process that can predispose us to illness or it can lead us to health." Edgar Cayce
What is a Sinus-Tea Treatment? A treatment that will open up that will relieve sinus pressure with simple acupressure points to the face, back, hands, and feet. Aromatherapy steam is used to open and drain the sinuses. Lymphatic flow is encouraged and pressure relief. Specific Reflexology, Lymphatic technique, massage and tapotement used in this treatment specifically created by the owner for sinus pressure relief.
"We are never more than a belief away from our greatest love, deepest healing and most profound miracles" ~Gregg Braden
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