Individual Spiritual Life Purpose Coaching with Alice
Be the best human you can be on the planet. Be in your season with full understanding to your purpose under the sun. Every action has a reaction and every intention can be your greatest invention. It's all energy we can learn to direct for our greatest good. The whole picture does not hold a light to your journey of growth that allows you to enjoy and embrace every moment along the way. The journey to the destination is where you will find and feel the magic to feeling alive and well with confidence you have surrendered to your purpose in life.
Create a crystal clear vision for “ultimate success‟ so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen. Do we really have it all together all the time? What we do have, is life experience, through beautiful sunrises, sunsets, calm before the storms and everything in between. To strive for perfection puts a BIG burden to carry but to live in the perfection of our imperfections while striving for beautiful moments, mountain warrior moments, learning moments, ah-ha moments that mold us into the humans we are in this perfect moment. The journey is to self in a way where we can learn to embrace life in a way that accepts the uncomfortable feelings, emotions, thoughts as a bridge to embrace ourselves with forgiveness, love, kindness, understanding, and acceptance.
Coaching is an investment in your personal growth and professional success. Your coaching session with Alice involves working with you on a physical, energetic, soul, mental and emotional level.
How it works:
75-minute "vision" meeting (In person session)
60-minute “discovery” coaching session (in person, by phone or video meeting)
Confirmed time agreement with specific goals
hOMework assignment per session
Accountability check-in’s
Contact Alice:
Please leave your interest in the program and contact information, she will contact you within 24 hours to set up a complimentary phone consultation and discuss the options with coaching sessions.
Music is the universal language. It's all energy that can take you up, down, around, upside down, expand you, deplete you and all the above. I love this song by the Byrds & you can find it in the Book of Ecclesiastes too and some form of this saying somewhere on the planet.
Turn, Turn, Turn !!!
To everything (turn, turn, turn)
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)
And a time to every purpose, under heaven
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